Thursday, May 18, 2006

Taking my time.....

Ready to pull.

Ready to pull

It's been a while since my last post, not because I haven't been doing anything, just because I haven't had time to post! Today is Thursday and this post is about what I did over the past weekend.

Progress has been slow, but I'm not in that big of a hurry because cash flow is going to limit how much I can accomplish each paycheck. A lot of funds will go toward tools right off the bat. I'll be getting an engine hoist and an engine rack. I've decided to buy rather than rent since I will be using the equipment again when Taylor and I start on the 900 that we'll be doing after this car is road worthy.

I've drained the power steering and disconnected the lines. It was kind of unique the way I did it. I took the reservoir with the cap still on and the lines still attached and pushed it down so it was hanging below the car from between the tranny and the steering rack, then took the cap off and dumped it into the pan under the car. After fully drained, I disconnected the lines and that was it. No muss, no fuss. The (return) fuel line was being a butt and didn't want to come off the fuel rail so I just cut it since I'll be replacing it anyway. The banjo bolt for the other end of the rail came off no problems.

The only things still attached now are the drive shafts and the main electrical artery that goes up under the intake manifold. All of these items I will remove after the engine is hoisted and moved forward a bit in the engine compartment to allow me better access.

Ready to pull.Other issues..... There is come corrosion on the bolts that hold the camshafts. I'm pretty sure the bearing surfaces are clean though. The brakes will definately need doing. I finally pulled the front wheels off and wasn't too surprised that they brakes have major wear on them. The rotors are worn down about 1/16 of an inch and will need replacing. I need to check the condition of the calipers for wear to see if I'll need replacements or can get away with a rebuild kit. I'll probably rip those apart in the coming weeks while the head and maybe the block are at the machine shop being tanked, resurfaced, and checked for cracks.

Tires? Yep, I'll need some new ones of those too. The ones on there actually have worn through to the belts! This will be one sweet ride when it's done. New tires, new brakes, new (rebuilt anyway) engine, all major systems renewed in some way shape or form!


Blogger Have Myelin? said...

Cash flow didn't stop you from getting the I'll be getting an engine hoist and an engine rack!

Didn't I see a red engine hoist next to my VW Beetle when I came out this morning? :p

Just saying....

5:45 PM  

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