Friday, March 28, 2008

A freeway ride makes it a real car

Got it out on the freeway yesterday. It gets up to 75 in a hurry! Now onto the topics from the last post...
Things to talk about:
The exhaust battle - The bolts on the catalytic converter were no match for the rust and proceeded to snap off when I was taking the system apart. The fun part was knocking the old bolts out of the collar. Much sweat and a lot of pounding later, they were out, replaced with regular bolts instead of the pressed in ones that snapped. The exhaust now smokes pretty good and smells like anti-freeze. This is because when the old engine blew the head, all the coolant went down the exhaust. When I took the pipe off, a flood came out of the pipe and cat. I rinsed the cat out, but it will take a while for it to all burn off. I figure a trip to Denver should do it :)
how to connect a starter - Everyones favorite time is the first time starting an engine after major work. Will it explode? Will it make terrible noises and grind to a halt? Will it even turn over? The answer to all three when I turned the key was.... no. The reason it didn't turn over was because I had a single wire on the starter solenoid connected to the wrong terminal. Oops. After connecting it to the other side, it started and huffed and puffed and finally got running :)
2 year old gas -Yes, the car is running on the same gas that was in the tank when I purchased the car.... 2 years ago. I have a container of fresh gas in the trunk and I am going to run the car until it runs out of old gas and dies, then add the fresh gas and head for the station to finish the fill up. At that point, I will also add a container of injector cleaner :)
Things still to do:
Tires - Done! I have an 85 900T that will be going bye bye but had a nice set of good Michelin tires on it with stipling and all for great winter traction which is needed here. I went down to Discount Tire and had them pull those off and put a set of their cheapest tires on, then brought this car in and they mounted the Michelins for me. Great service and they have my future business :)
ABS - Still need to troubleshoot this. The ABS light doesn't come on until after 20mph and is off when the ignition is recycled. This means it is an issue with a wheel sensor, I just haven't done the checks yet.
ACC - Done! Sometimes reading the manual helps lol. After the battery is disconnected, you have to do a button combination to make it recalibrate, then it all works fine!
Windshield - Will be done soon, just going to have it replaced.
Clutch master cylinder - Done! Replaced it today and the clutch feels great and engages much higher.
Whiny noise - The idler wheels on the belt system are on order and I will replace them when they come in.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

It's Alive!

Well the last 2 weeks have worn me out. The car is running at last! I think the thing that saved me during re-assembly was that I took a lot of pictures when it was being taken apart. It has a new timing chain and gears, new clutch, pressure plate, and flywheel, and new boots on the drive shafts.

When I was putting the flywheel on I forgot about the timing marks and just put it on. After I got the transmission on, I put the engine at about TDC as indicated by the marks on the camshaft timing gears which were set correctly when they were replaced. No timing marks. Sh*t. So off came the transmission, clutch assy and the flywheel so I could put it right back on. Correctly this time.

When pulling the engine, I didn't know about the main wiring harness connector being under the false bulkhead so I had disconnected all the wiing from the engine. When I got the replacement engine, it still had the harness from the car it came out of so I looked in this car and sure enough... 1 simple connector for most of the wiring on the back of the engine. When re-assembling, I installed the starter, power steering pump, and water pump, and completely connected the harness.

Things still to talk about:
The exhaust battle
how to connect a starter
2 year old gas
Things still to fix:
clutch master cylinder
Whiny noise (no my kids aren't in the car)